Thursday, June 19, 2014

mNET Participant Named CCSD New Educator of the Year

Stephanie Berry, a product of the UNLV College of Education, was recently named the Clark County School District New Educator of the Year. Stephanie just completed her first year at Basic High School in Henderson where she teaches English courses and is actively involved as a member and advisor for student extracurricular activities. Stephanie was recognized for her integration of technology into the classroom as well as her innovative approach to education.

Stephanie participated in UNLV’s Department of Teaching and Learning's Alternative Route to Licensure (ARL) program known as Project mNET. It is a collaboration of about twenty higher education institutions, education agencies, and non-profit organizations across the United States. Project mNET offers recent graduates, non-education professionals, and paraprofessionals with career or background experiences in science, math and English with the opportunity to become an alternatively licensed teacher of record (TOR) in Clark County School District middle and high schools. For more information on the mNET program contact Dr. Linda Quinn at 702-895-0879 or